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This is Distant Radio 3305

Making waves as you make history!


Broadcasting from secret locations all over the galaxy, we will be your invisible companions so you will never truly be alone.

We will have interviews with
famous people, news shows, regular updates on overall progress as well as on events and meetups.

All this will be accompanied by lots and lots of musicwhich will be tailored to keep us sane while traversing the voids!


Drew Wagar

Erimus Kamzel

Turjan Starstone

Dr. Kaii

Olivia Vespera


Felix Macedonica

Josh Hawkins

Obsidian Ant

Distant Radio on Twitch | Distant Radio on YouTube

Follow us on Twitter!


Team members / DJs:

CMDR ThatMykl [Bossman] | CMDR Ganlaan Soulseeker [Second in command]
CMDR Chankk Saotome [Founder] | CMDR Dr. Nagi [Founder]
CMDR Keni Drunken Wolf [Founder] | CMDR Henkka77 [Founder]

CMDR Acorlei | CMDR DankMojo | CMDR Devan Avalon | CMDR Eoraptorur
CMDR Nightfall Zero | CMDR Perky Percy | CMDR Phelanka | CMDR RPG_Alex
CMDR Selfishpie | CMDR Seraph | CMDR Shobah | CMDR Sleegi | CMDR VoodooCurse
CMDR Winter Huntsman | CMDR KombattWombatt | CMDR Zelryn Tas

Special thanks to our contributors:

CMDR Bloodfist | CMDR Charlie (Wanderer) | CMDR Eid LeWeise | CMDR DIgThat32
CMDR Kelanen Alcatraz
| CMDR Lucanaii | CMDR Miguel Johnson
| CMDR Pooki | CMDR Qohen Leth | CMDR Sajime Chent-Shi
CMDR Shiftycircle
| CMDR Souvarine | CMDR ToCoSo aka Tom Cook
CMDR Turjan Starstone
| CMDR WaywardPlane | CMDR Yee | CMDR ∆∆∆ Unknown

If you wish to support the radio and help keeping it up and running throughout the trip, you can :)

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